Passive Suicidal

Traffic is flowing at 20kph and you are lane splitting at 70kph, isn’t that suicidal? You are riding the wrong way against fast flowing traffic on a highway, aren’t you suicidal. Traffic lights controlled junctions are mere inconvenience and at best a suggestion to you, darn you are suicidal. Overtaking a vehicle in front ofContinue reading “Passive Suicidal”

All in A Days Ride – Junctions and Intersections ⚠️

Approach Junctions and Intersections with Caution. They are a bikers Achilles heel.Check your blindspots around cars on both sides. Danger is always lurking in the shadows.Be Patient.Accept that other vehicles will not give you way.Ride Safe

All in A Days Ride – When you are used to jumping traffic lights and a pedestrian being a 🤡

Am a regular culprit of jumping traffic lights or trying to beat a red light. So what happens to the yellow car is as expected if you behave the same way. A near miss. That would have been a nasty fender bender. Then what’s up with this Earthling🤡 (pedestrian) strolling across the road like myContinue reading “All in A Days Ride – When you are used to jumping traffic lights and a pedestrian being a 🤡”

All in A Days Ride – Bodas are Mental

Check out our new series of on the road situations videos coming to this blog. In today’s video you will see how riding on the wrong way up a one way road is the norm for boda riders in Nairobi. Just check out the clowns 🤡 on Ngong Road from Lenana High School. They haveContinue reading “All in A Days Ride – Bodas are Mental”