Passive Suicidal

Traffic is flowing at 20kph and you are lane splitting at 70kph, isn’t that suicidal? You are riding the wrong way against fast flowing traffic on a highway, aren’t you suicidal. Traffic lights controlled junctions are mere inconvenience and at best a suggestion to you, darn you are suicidal. Overtaking a vehicle in front ofContinue reading “Passive Suicidal”

All in A Days Ride – Junctions and Intersections ⚠️

Approach Junctions and Intersections with Caution. They are a bikers Achilles heel.Check your blindspots around cars on both sides. Danger is always lurking in the shadows.Be Patient.Accept that other vehicles will not give you way.Ride Safe

Diary of a Rider Trainer – Waiting

There is a place for self initiative from the student rider, especially for our Master class of on the Road Drills. I like when I find the student already geared up and done with a couple of warm up laps. When I they tell me of the short rides they have taken around their neighbourhood.Continue reading “Diary of a Rider Trainer – Waiting”

All in A Days Ride – When you are used to jumping traffic lights and a pedestrian being a 🤡

Am a regular culprit of jumping traffic lights or trying to beat a red light. So what happens to the yellow car is as expected if you behave the same way. A near miss. That would have been a nasty fender bender. Then what’s up with this Earthling🤡 (pedestrian) strolling across the road like myContinue reading “All in A Days Ride – When you are used to jumping traffic lights and a pedestrian being a 🤡”